The Burg

Date: 7/4/2019

By Killdap

A girl was drowned and laying on the dock of a lake when I first entered the dream and in the dream I looked around and could recognize several of the distraught faces staring at the asphyxiated corpse of a wealthy man’s daughter. My father and I were taking a walk around the lake to take our mind off the tragic incident when we discovered a small shrine underneath a canopy of trees devoted to a goddess I can’t remember. We were standing there marveling at the beauty and mystery of this shrine when the girl’s father came into the clearing and said,”You’re not supposed to be here.” and began ranting about how he couldn’t get a moment of privacy to mourn the “murder” of his daughter. I his face I could read his fear and utter despair then something changed into a grim smile and he started yelling for the police because he had found the killers. So me and my father did what all innocent criminals do, we stole a truck and ran away. Pretty soon we were miles away from the crime scene where we ran into a police blockade and were arrested. We were transported to a work camp way up north called The Burg where all the mysterious killers go when charged with a crime. This prison was an iceberg hollowed out by the inmates where they mined coal to pay off their debts and serve their sentence. When we got there an elderly inmate described to us the collapse of the Northwest tunnel, how it killed half the inmates, and how their spirits didn’t leave the prison, they just went on and on acting like they were still in. My father and I decided we needed to escape.... And that’s when I awoke at 6:03 am But as you might have guessed.... I don’t know if the girl was murdered or if she just drowned or maybe I killed her and I entered the dream just after, and what about the shrine, why can’t I remember who it was to, why was it there?