Matching Sister Tattoos

Date: 3/22/2023

By briannagio

I’m at my dad’s house and there are a bunch of people are staying here from out of town (some of them are even from my mom’s side of the family). I’m standing at the back sliding glass door, looking over at Aunt Nancy’s house—except her house is facing the opposite way so that I can see the front of her house from ours. I watch as my grandpa (my mom’s dad) and a couple other people walk into Aunt Nancy’s house. I’m not confused by this situation at all… I’m getting dressed in a room (either Alex’s or the guest room) and I go to put a pair of denim shorts on. I button them, but they feel loose. I look down to see that they ripped all the way down the middle and are currently being held together by one thread. I run out to go to my old room, which has been made back into the living room, to show Blane. I don’t realize that he isn’t alone, but thankfully, I’m covering myself up. Peyton and Devan are on the couch with Blane, and despite the fact that I’m not actually showing anything, Peyton awkwardly covers Devan’s eyes. My old closet is still in the room, so I quickly search through whatever jeans I left behind when I moved out. I only have skinny jeans left, but I settle on one of the pairs and bring them back to Alex’s bathroom. While I’m changing, I hear someone coming in. At first, I go to tell them about what just happened with my shorts, but I realize that it’s Alyson Pepper and an older guy, who I assume is her uncle, so I shut the door really fast. While I slip my jeans on, I overhear their conversation. I hear Alyson tell the man that she doesn’t really like Blane, but she’s never wanted to tell me and make me feel uncomfortable. She explains that after we broke up (this detail makes me realize she’s actually talking about Dylan), he tried hitting on her through Tinder. I find that situation to be pretty weird, but I’m not bothered by it… Now I’m with my dad, standing in front of Aunt Nancy’s garage, which actually looks like Nana’s old garage. I look around and ask him why she has three refrigerators in here. He tells me “She doesn’t. There are only two…” I look again and see that one of the refrigerators (which is where Nana’s fridge actually used to be in real life) is actually a tool cabinet (the one my dad has in his garage in real life). I say “Oh, I thought that was a fridge. But still… why does she have three total refrigerators?” (including the one she has in her house). He doesn’t seem to understand why I find this so strange, but he eventually agrees that Aunt Nancy is just quirky and does weird things that he can’t explain (something he often says in real life)… I’m back in my dad’s house. Nicole (my sister) calls me from another room. She seems nervous about asking me something, but she finally spits it out and tells me that she wants to get matching tattoos with Alex and me. I tell her that I would love to, but that I’m also a little apprehensive. I explain that I’ve never decided whether I could ever get one or not because I know I’d be too indecisive about what to get. I continue and say “I’m scared that I would wind up hating it later on… Not that I’d hate having a matching tattoo with you guys! I just haven’t fully committed to the idea of having a tattoo.” I somehow know that another sister (either a step sister or an in-law) is part of this plan too and I’m surprised because I don’t remember Nicole and her being so close.