A Couple of Awkward Situations

Date: 9/1/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I literally just woke up to my first peeing lucid dream. It's 3:27 am since I started writing... So here we go. I don't remember exactly what happened or why, but I was with a friend/co-worker of mine named Anna with her older brother/old manager Sean, and we were escaping. A vaguely remember a building that reminded me of a bowling alley and that we came from it, but that's about it. Anyway, we made our way outside the parking lot, and Anna and I didn't know what was really going on, but we were finally in the parking lot and we followed Sean into his car. The awkward thing was that I was somehow ahead of Anna even though I'm less active than her (She bikes to work almost everyday, like damn.) and was going to go to the back seat. We made it, and we got inside and waited for Sean to stay up the car and drive away. But Sean insisted that I should be up front in passenger and explained he won't leave until I do. I didn't see why that would make any difference whatsoever, but there were people suddenly filling up the parking lot, and Anna and I didn't have the time to switch, so I was kinda panicking and getting irritated with Sean to a point there I realized all of this was so strange. I realized I was dreaming. Ignoring Sean's annoyed sighs and Anna's worrying, I cleared my mind and tried to focus on the idea of me and Anna switching seats. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out calmly, focusing on slowing down my heart rate despite the chaos that was going on around us. When I opened my eyes, I was right next to Sean. I stared at him as he and Anna were starting at me in shock. Sometimes I forget that even though it's my dream, the people in it can react to whatever I do whenever I do them. Not wanting to waste any more time, I commanded Sean to start driving. And so, after snapping out of it, he began to drive. We had to navigate our way throughout the parking lot at first, avoiding a lot of people and forcing them to jump and dodge out of the way before we actually drove our way out of there. They were so relieved that we got out of there alive, but more importantly they got so interested by how I switched seats earlier. I'm not one to have all of the attention, so I just told them bluntly that I can since it's my dream. They were so quiet before they nodded and agreed with me, not fully understanding or possibly not actually believing me. Just happy that we got out if that parking lot in one piece, I decided to end that dream and wake myself up. When I woke up, I realized I was in my bedroom. It was a little different, and I thought it was that situation where your brain just kinda fills in certain details and fools you too thinking you're actually in a place you thought it was, but it was indeed my bedroom from months ago before a mini room makeover. It was also around the time my PSP could still use Skype for me to talk to my fiance, so I was lugging the big thing around as I just casually talked to my baby like any typical night around 9 pm until I heard some voices. I decided to check it out but I felt the need to use the restroom, so I told my fiance that I would be right back and left him behind on the bed as I got up, taking notice that I was wearing just panties and a medium soft pink and white shirt that I actually recently bought last weekend, making me realize again that I was dreaming. I made my way to the hallway to see my younger brothers are actually still up and talking as they're already ready for bed. (They sleep in the living room, and before we did share rooms as we do have bunk beds, but my younger brother wanted to sleep out there, and my baby brother felt bad so he started to sleep out there with him.) Anyway, I went to use the bathroom and began to relive myself to a point I was closing my eyes. (You know it's a good pee when your eyes are closed.) When I opened my eyes, there were two toilets and I was now standing up. It threw me off to where I had to focus on pointing the direction into one of the two toilets because the arch depended on how much pee came out. (Just a heads up for those who don't know, I am indeed a girl... yeah.) A loud noise occurred in the other side of the door, causing me to react and turn to it by instinct before I realize I was still standing up peeing. I turned back to focus to notice I was in my parents bedroom (which looked like it was the time before they switched out with my brothers' due to the bunk bed still there) and I was peeing in two dirty, old mattresses. Ashamed, I focused myself to force myself to stop peeing, which succeeded, and then stared in shock of the nasty mattresses. Feeling guilty, I tried a way to clean them up and summoned a bunch of soap and Lysol and things like that behind me to start at least converting to the scent, spraying and drowning them with all of that. That was when I realized I could just make them disappear, and I did that just in time before my older brother walked in, saying our goodnight to each other before parting ways. I went to check up on my other brothers in the living room as they were still having a very giggly conversation. By older sister instincts, I told them that that should be sleeping only to notice that the TV was on and they were watching a movie after they pointed it out. I watched a bit with them until I saw the time and forced them to agree with me to turn it off and get ready for bed. As they were, and went to the kitchen and the dining room to check the windows and the garage door to see if they were locked, and when they were, I turned to head back to my room to sleep. I saw the same pee-covered mattresses, their disgusting scent emitting from the dining room. Terrified, I whipped my head around, hearing one of my younger brothers explaining that they appeared suddenly and it really stunk up the place and that's why they put on a movie because they couldn't sleep with it. Frustrated, I did my best to cover up the smell with whatever we had, with my younger brother helping out and my baby brother watching us fail and laughing at us. We fell quiet and froze for a moment when we thought our parents were coming out before proceeding. That's when I told everyone to calm down and to stay back as I closed my eyes and focused on these mattresses being burned deeply in an a garbage dump's fiery pit of hell nearby and when I opened my eyes, the mattresses were gone, leaving a trail of ashes that dispersed into the air. Getting congratulated by my brothers, they finally get themselves into bed after calling them down once more. Then, I made my way back into bed to my fiance and apologized I took forever and explained what happened (He was very chill the entire time, what a man...) before falling asleep with him.