Pokémon adventure to deep talk

Date: 6/5/2019

By aaronbbx

I started remembering the dream when I was observing a group of Pokémon swimming towards a big fortress looking island. They looked similar like the Pokémon from comic artist NEKOAMA. Along the fortress we saw some red tentacle things sticking out of wall so we climbed that all the way to the top of the fortress. We had to make our way down but we were extremely high up and the only way to go down was to scale along the wall without any gear or dive straight into a shallow looking river below. I looked around and there were places to climb down but there were also other weird looking Pokémon waiting to ambush us. So we did it the hard way and scaled dangerously down a flat wall into window. We ended up in a studio apartment looking place and apparently we went through all that trouble to look for Charmander's weed dealer. The dealer looked like a normal college student and he disappeared to get the weed for us. While he was gone we looked around the room and realized we were in a college dorm. The dealer came back with some weed but it was filled to the max with seeds. The dealer being a dick placed the weed outside on the floor and made us get it, and once we turned around to face him after picking it up he was gone. -Cant remember what happened in between- I was sitting in a bright room with my girlfriend, her sister and many other people. We were talking with this couple and was hearing different perspectives on what a relationship is about. My girlfriend's sister turned to me and asked me "So Aaron, what do you think a relationship is about?" I paused and looked at my girlfriend and answered, "I think relationships are like a flower. You gotta plant the seed and take care of it daily for it to bloom into something beautiful." Everyone was impressed with my answer and my girlfriend smiled. Then I woke up.