Date: 9/7/2019
By ivanmockingjay
Level: 🔴🔴⚫️⚫️⚫️ I was a party at my aunts house where everyone who is in my family were in attendance. The only difference was that I had a guest. This person was someone I had umm let’s say a crush on back in the day. I was tasked with the usual greeting of near half of the town when arriving at such events so I was occupied for the moment. My guest followed me around as I did this also making sure they greeted everyone there. It was quite obvious they were getting annoyed at how much people I had to attend to and they just wanted us to go somewhere we could be alone. I walked into my cousins room so we could be alone but immediately walked out as I did not want to be rude and use someone’s room without their permission. So we stepped outside on the upstairs verandah. There were still people on the verandah but much less than inside and at least we could hear each other speak. It was quite an awkward situation. People constantly came out on the verandah to offer us drinks or food to which we declined many times. I don’t know if we were together as friends or something else but I had never been close with this person. We never built any kind of relationship in real life so I can’t remember what we spoke about. I felt in the moment that I needed to care for this person as if they were hurting or feeling abandoned. They wanted to spend time with me and I did too. I can’t remember the rest... THE END