Crumbling cliff & flooding

Date: 4/15/2020

By ladydmj

I was helping out at my old bosses studio & working with a few others.. like it was an event. I was doing an 8 hour shift event though I was not well, but I needed the money. When we finished we went out in to the street & were sunbathing on the roadside. Then we went to a cafe, ordered some coffees, but it turned into a cinema & water rushed into the floor.. somehow our coffees were poured into this water, so we left. As we were leaving the sun was coming up! Somehow it had instantly become day! We were walking up the road & I was carrying something for Cay.. it was like a gas cylinder & felt like it was important.. like we were going to do something. As we crossed the road, I was playfully picked up by a guy from the studio & put down just before going in to what seemed like an actual cinema. Inside was Jms, a friend of my ex & he looked at me in disgust & said “he’s wasting his time on you”. I was confused, but it seems I was still with him in this dream as I was having a discussion with my friend about being selfish as I was away from him & that I should leave him. Then me and Cay climbed a huge indoor cliff. We were at the top & she said “let’s meditate & develop our powers, we can be like psychics”. There was some book there. Then she started to climb down and as I looked rocks started to fall behind the wall. I shouted to her that the wall was becoming unstable & I was clinging to the top of the rocks.. suddenly the whole wall started to crumble beneath me & I watched her fall a huge distance & land on a platform. She moved & started to get up.. I was so relieved! Then water started rushing in to the giant room - like a huge leisure centre & completely filled the bottom of it. It felt like there was some kind of natural disaster happening. Cay was swimming around & happy, it was like it was cleansing what had just happened. I was still so high up & climbed through a narrow slit window, out in to a normal street.. it was almost like a different place entirely & it was like nothing had happened this side. I walked & came to a big park with a giant lake. It was sunny & beautiful & someone was looking after a big white boxer dog, he was running into the water with a long cord & knocking over chairs etc.. The clinging to a cliff, seeing exes & water rushing in/flooding, seem to be a bit of a recurring theme at the moment... ***A month after this dream, Cay was diagnosed with cancer.. Six months on, having received further bad news about her state of health, she decided to take her own life. :,(