Dream: Time Agents

Date: 12/21/2022

By Ecnelis_Lataf

I was an agent in a time traveling company that is meant to protect the timeline. My name was Quinn Harlow. Each agent had been modified with at least one ability to assist them on their missions. My main abilities were shapeshifting, telekinesis, and telepathy. But I could absorb abilities from others. Making me basically an anomaly amongst the agents but also very useful. My current job was to retrieve my partner, Lina Corrine, from the time period she'd vanished in. Which happened to be the time and location of the Titanic. Alongside me was a young man I hadn't been partnered with before. His name was Daren Moore, at least I believe that was his name. He was arrogant and made jokes to, I assume, try to lighten the mood. "We can pretend to be lovers," he stated with a flash of a smile and a mischievous spark in his onyx colored eyes. "I may be able to shapeshift for adaptability but I am a guy," I had to remind him with some level of annoyance in my voice. He just winked and said, "Shapeshift me then." As if it were so simple a thing. I shook my head, "Not how that works." We eventually stepped through the "world clock" of the agency and into the correct time period, in time period correct clothing, with a thin layer of protective armor type clothing underneath. We had our tickets on us tight and made sure no one could steal them. We got aboard the ship as friends, made sure to be roomed together which didn't bother Daren... Of course. We made our way around the place and i told him that my partner was put in the servants quarters because of her initial mission. A mission i wasn't privy to know. So we got settled and then we got our gear ready. "Careful about how you use your abilities" he told me. I just nodded and looked in the mirror. I modded my eyes to look more blue and lightened the brown shade of my hair. I then turned to face him. His longer black hair had been slicked back and tied low against his neck. He wore more casual clothes for the rich while I had dressed a bit more elegant. He smirked at me and i shook my head. "Enjoy the social gymnastics." He stated as he grabbed a cigar pack and put it in his pocket. I felt my cheeks burn at his clear insult to my appearance, "I can navigate them well enough. Just find Lina, ok?"  He nodded and we left the room, going our separate ways. I went off to join the socialites in their mingling. He went to speak more with the serving staff and those who knew a bit more behind-the-scenes. It was a few hours before we reconvened for the evening dinner. He'd dressed a bit more appropriately before we made our way into the banquet hall. "Your little geek heart must be excited." Daren teased as I took.in.the sights around us. "Quiet you." I whispered, "You realize we're just a bit away from it sinking right?" He nodded, "I found her. She's in the sick bay below. There's a boy with her too. Says he's her son. We'll have to get her healed up to get outta here." "Sounds like we'll be taking an extra with us." I added and he just nodded. We sat at a table with a young couple and an older woman. The older woman had spoken with me earlier and invited us. She was fascinated by my outside thinking while still being a businessman. Hours ticked by and we were back in our room. We quickly changed to the more casual clothes and headed to the servants quarters. Daren led me to Lina and the boy who claimed to be her son. "Lina, it's Quinn." I told her as I pulled out a specialized 'cure all' cream from the agency. I began applying some to her hands and then her face. Lina didn't fight me but the boy watched us closely. "Quinn, meet my boy. I took him in when his pa got shot protecting me. He had no one else. He needs us." Her words were strained but I could tell the cream was already working. She looked healthier. "What's your name kid?" Daren asked him. The boy looked maybe ten at most. He was protective of Lina, sticking close to her as I worked. "Ray. No last name." A curt response but it didn't matter. Daren sent in the message on his pocket device. They agreed for us to bring the boy but no other extras. We eventually got the boy and Lina up to our room. Took a lot of explaining to the elevator staff and the people who were unsure of our motives. I lied and said that her ticket had been mixed up. That Lina was my wife and Ray our son. The staff finally let it go after that. Thank goodness. Once in the room, Lina began to really calm down. She stepped behind the divider curtain to change into the thin armor and then into a "man's" outfit. We got Ray put in some of the thin armor as well. It weirded him out a bit but we had to get him dressed appropriately. We got him in some clothes that were a little big on him but they did the trick.  "Daren, is it ready?" I felt nauseous. I knew that the iceberg was looming in the distance. We were running low on time. Daren drew the last couple lines of the World Clock and sighed, "Yeah. Lina, take Ray through first." Lina nodded and picked Ray up. She carried him through the drawn clock. We watched it light up as they passed through and waited till the light was gone. Daren nodded to me. We each grabbed our briefcases. He clutched my free hand and pulled me through. As we were almost fully through I heard the groan of the ship and felt my insides knot up. Daren yanked me the rest of the way through to our time and held me as the nausea unsteadied my feet. The World Clock stopped glowing and I could no longer hear what was on the other side. I knew what was happening though. They had just hit that iceberg. (I awoke after that.)