Homophobic Dreamworld

Date: 2/10/2019

By FloatingAway

Myself and my two friends (Chloe and Amy) we’re in my old school’s canteen. We found a poster saying that you could only go to the Debs if you weren’t fat, and you were only allowed to dance there if you were good at dancing. We thought it was weird but kind of ignored in and Chloe asked if we wanted to get waffles. We walked across the field to get to the shop and there were people practising hurling (an Irish sport) and we kept nearly getting hit by the sliotair (the balls). We finally made it to the other side and we found an overgrown field and for some reason we were able to read the grass. It said that boys could only bring girls and girls could only bring boys, and then the grass was really thorny which meant it was angry and it said that gay people were disgusting and wouldn’t be tolerated in the school. We were really mad especially after seeing the fat thing but we continued on our waffle journey. We finally arrived there and Amy started saying how she was gonna start playing an NF song once we got our waffles. Before I was able to order though Chloe said she was going to leave and asked who was coming with her. I wanted to go but I also really wanted my waffle so I decided to stay. She grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her and she quietly said to me “I was going to leave because some songs are about skin on your arms. Some songs are about putting a razor to that skin. I was maybe gonna get deep with you, I was maybe gonna talk about feelings”. It was obvious she was talking about my arms, and her feelings so I knew it was best to go. We headed down the street and went into a small little shop where the people were really rude so we stole two small things out of spite. We got a rush from it and decided to go steal more things in a bigger shop, but once we left the bigger shop two guys started following us. They caught up and said that they knew we had stolen from them. We panicked and started running down the street when we suddenly realised we had become two black men. A huge group of guys were chasing us and we eventually got caught. The leader was laughing and said he was going to pour tar on us and burn us alive. There were some police officers there as well who were trying to help us but had been caught. His right hand woman was called Abbadon, but she got annoyed when he called her that and said her name was Celine now. They knocked us out and suddenly we woke up as ourselves in a small room with a well in it, and a bucket attached to a very long rope. We suddenly remembered that what had happened wasn’t actually real and we were in the mind of a person called Onra, and to get out we had to pull the rope 3 times and they would help us. The rope symbolised a brain, and the water was thoughts. We pulled at the rope that went deep into the water 3 times but nothing happened and we started to panic. We lifted out all the rope and realised that Onra’s mind was tangled so we had to work to untangle her mind, if we died in her mind we died in real life. Finally the rope was untangled and we pulled three times. We saw a bright flash and then I woke up in real life! So that was the end haha weird.