Worms and a Mitch-Jodie Reunion

Date: 12/12/2021

By montyroz

I was in a school that was infested with these wriggly wormlike critters. We were trying to find a way to get rid of them all. They could only be fully annihilated it we got their total numbers down to less than five, otherwise they would reproduce back into a full population. We were going do blend them all up in what was basically a blender, but we had to go take a poll of four teachers in the school first. I went to a specific teacher who answered the poll with "fuck you guys, fuck that shit." She was very mean. Eventually we ended up blending all the worms and I think we got a chance to humiliate the mean teacher somehow. In my other dream, Jodie was back in town and Mitch was going to go out with her. I basically laid down an ultimatum that was like "If you go out with her, I will not sleep with you every again and we won't be friends anymore." He didn't like this, but he went out with her anyway, so I blocked his number and all social media and cut him off. That same day after his Jodie date he came over and wanted to come see me in my room to apologize or something, but I refused to talk to him.