Date: 4/16/2018
By February
So my dream started off in Japan.-I’ve always wanted to go to Japan for a lot of reasons, because it was safe, on the other side of the world and completely different from anywhere I’ve ever been. So back to my dream. I was like why am I in Japan?!? And my brother told my that our mom drove us here. I was still confused how do you drive from Canada to Japan? I asked him this and he just told me there was a bridge. I shrugged it off and went to explore Japan with my sister. We found a little corner store and they lady at the counter sold toffee lollipops to us. They were good. Then when I exchanged my money for Japanese currency my mom woke me up. But I didn’t really wake up I went to another dream were I was in Nova Scotia- but Nova Scotia was a small island up north that the Americans were trying to invade. I wasn’t an American spy but if the people of Nova Scotia thought I was fishy they wouldn’t be pleased. So I decided to do what any kid my age does- go to school. So I went the the school in Nova Scotia and it looked very similar to my high school. I even saw kids that went to my school. So I went to the cafeteria and all the tables were set up the same and I just got this weird vibe from the whole scene. I took a jog to leave the school when my mom woke me up again. But I just went into another dream where I was a robber on the wrong side of town. I decided to rob someone’s house with the help of a couple of friends. While my friends were breaking in to the house I was inpatient and started stealing the front tiles. While doing so this lady waking her dog stops and stares at me ( I think this is the same lady that sold me a toffee lollipop in Japan.) for some reason this is suspicious at all for her so she just goes on with her day. My friends finally break into the garage and I steal a vial of blue slime and a flashlight that could turn into a bracelet. Then I wake up for real this time. But my mom didn’t wake me up it was my brother.