Terrible trip

Date: 4/21/2024

By lauriemae

We were on vacation with a bunch of friends and family. I was at the store with a friend and a couple of the family members. We were on our way back home when we stopped at the store. ( I know I also dreamed the vacation, but font really remember many details.) On our way out of the store, we ran into a cousin of mine. He had a gun in his shirt. The feiwns that was with us, reached and grabbed his gun, put it under his chin, and empties the gun, killing my cousin. ( this cousin <M> has been estranged for many years for molesting my brother) I didn't hear anything because I was a little ahead of them and was outside and saw it from outside. I had a young girl with me. So we sat, I held her close, and we all waited for the police to come. They came and arrested the friend and took the body away. I told then what had happened and why. The little girl had fallen asleep by now. The police checked her to make sure she was OK and let us go. That's about all I remember. There was a bit more, but I don't really remember.