alien hobbes and sleepovers

Date: 2/27/2019

By ramagam

me and a group of people were in all staying at what seemed to be my parents house but a much bigger version of it. i can remember us spending mulitple days in there but the dream always cut to the nights we spent there. the first couple of nights were normal, and each night clusters of people would choose a different room to sleep in. various rooms throughout the house also had ferrets and their babies usually tucked in a corner under some blankets so we were careful with those. as the nights went by, these creatures (think the hobbes from the game Fable, but pure white and slimy tentacles for arms that theyd wave around when theyd run) would come out and use some weird space technology to try and kill us. theyd never try to kill us themselves even though they looked like they could deal some damage but it was always hard to catch a glimpse of them before they hid somewhere else. the night i remember most clearly was when they would send in a single bubble that you could just barely see until it was right above you and then itd get pearlescent, harden, and drop straight down and through you. it took a while to convice the others about the hobbes but once they came around to it we were trying to convince the owners of the place (who werent my parents but had some similar technology as the alien hobbes) about the problem too. we noticed that the ferrets would start dooking when the aliens showed up and used that one night to try and corner one to show the owners. it ran up the stairs to the owners room but i woke up when i started going after it.