Date: 11/19/2020
By space_tubbs
ok so- i woke up in my dream to my dad telling me we had to leave to pick up someone from school? obviously i was confused since everything is online now. but i got up- didn’t even bother to change out of my pajamas and i went. when we got there i realized it was like a school reunion bc everyone i knew from school was there. i was mortified since i wasn’t dressed nicely. anyway- i went around greeting people, someone i haven’t seen since literal elementary school. it was a weird feeling, i even saw me yee! i was with ana contemplating why i thought wearing my pajamas out was a good idea, suddenly shamil pops out of nowhere and goes, victor is coming! shhh please. hearing her say that made my stomach drop- i didn’t want to see him, but for some reason i was the first to cheer when he walked into the room, i was also the first to walk out the room without saying a thing. i kept avoiding him- i didn’t want to talk to him, i wanted nothing with him. i saw me yee and ran to him, telling him what had happened. i felt like shit after he tried to brush me off :( i don’t remember exactly what happened afterwards but the next morning was suppose to by our official day back to school. when i woke up i had a bunch of missed calls from all my friends, some i don’t even talk to, and victor? i called back saul but when he picked up he started playing a weird message essentially saying all the schools were shut again. not surprised:/