The Falling Dream, Without Dreaming

Date: 4/18/2018

By Jadders

I was starting to fall asleep when I woke myself up because my right leg jolting. I ignored it and tried to sleep again, just as I did I was woken up again by both my legs having jolted. I wondered what is happening to me and I feel into a deeper sleep. I then woke my self up again but this time my legs and arms jolted as if I was trying to stop a fall. I lay there half awake and half asleep, breathing really heavy thinking I'm going to die if I go to sleep. But I thought stuff it, I'm too tired anyways. Then I remember being in a toilet throwing up... I was walking as if I was drunk, tripping and falling over but I was ill and dissy from something not drunk. I left the toilet and I was in a brown and white corridor. I could hear something big coming, big and scary. I ran and hid behind a water cooler. someone else was running down the carried and spotted me. They grabbed me and said, 'its here for You' and threw me in front of it, then ran off. I saw it. It was a huge hairy hunched back monster with yellow eyes. It stood there staring and screaming at me at first. Then it's hand, bigger than my chest, covered my face. It felt like it was draining something. Next thing I know is that I'm in my nans garden, telling people how I have been 2 years sober..