Time travel

Date: 6/8/2020

By DarkWolfGaming94

So in my dream last night I had a couple of dreams but one dream made me want to wake up crying. In my dream somehow I traveled back in time to when I was just a baby maybe about 2 years old so it was 1996. The only thing is I physically back in time so basically during this time there was me in that year and me in this current year right now my 26 year old me. So since I had watched and read what possibly could happen if I ran into my past self I decided not to go see and try to change my mind on anything I did at the time instead I thought that I would take advantage and go to my dads parents house tonsee my grandma and grandpa. So since I have a galaxy s 10 for a phine currently and pictures of things from today just as extra proof that I was from the year 2020. I went to there house knocked on there door and my grandpa answered asked how he can help me. I then told him that I was just visiting. He asked me if they knew me I answered yes in a way and explained that I was their oldest kids baby son and that I came from the future. They didn't believe me just yet since I never said my name I told them my name like this "I'm sebastian roberts aka Bob's son from the future your guys grandson" I then showed them my phone and pictures of the time I came from rhats when they believed me and they let me in. We had a chat and they asked a lot of questions like what Inwas doing at 26 what high school I went to did I go to college do I drive. I answered all of them honestly, then we startedbtalking about my high school years and how I had fun my freshman through junior year. Every time they asked me what is something I did during my senior year I avoided it and would change the subject. My grandpa got suspicious so he straight out asked if I was a high school drop out. So I finally caved in and told him no. I looked down choking back tears and looked back at them and told them how much I loved and missed them they looked back at me confused and I couldn't take it anymore so I told them. I said "grandpa thank you for being at my graduation physically, and grandma thank you for being there spiritually I know deep down in my heart you would have been proud of me making it through high school" my grandpa and grandma finally understood and hugged me they didn't ask what she passed away from but I know that was a question they wanted to know but couldn't just yet instead my grandma asked me to see pictures of me at my graduation so I showed her them, I showed her pictures of all meaningful events that took place after like the baby pictures of my nephew and his mom my sister, my oldest brother's wedding, my older sisters wedding and all of my nephews and nieces. I hugged them and finally got to the year I came from 2020 and stopped told them I found a girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with and showed them pictures of us (I showed them pictures of every girl I've been with especially the ones they got to meet). My grandpa finally asked me how she passed away since it was on his mind so we went back to that topic I looked at my grandma and told her "grandma you had a cancer that no one could do about it and you went to be with jesus on January 26th, 2013" my grandma gave me a big hug knowing she didn't mean to pass away right after my birthday I hugged her back and cried pulling my grandpa in to the hug also and said that it was ok that I understood and that I would always miss them. My grandpa still was confused on why I kept saying I would miss both of them so I told him "grandpa in December 2019 you were diagnosed with throat cancer that is inoperable you went to be with jesus and rejoined grandma on January 14, 2020" 6 days before my 26th birthday I hugged them more and looked at them and told them I am not sad they are gone but happy they were together again and not hurting anymore that yes I miss them but I thank god for the fond memories I got to share and make with them. We talked for a few more hours then I got up to leave and I gave them a final hug good bye.