Date: 1/24/2019
By QueueDues
In my childhood home of headland crescent (makes sense since that's where we burgled), playing videogames late at night. Starts off innocently, I'm faffing with the TV and trying not to wake up my siblings who are asleep in the front room behind me. I hear someone knocking on next door and think it's strange considering how late/early it is. Look out into back garden and a couple of men with knives are prowling around. I try to call 999 but only get answer tone. They enter through the front door and when they go further into the house I run outside and scream for help. They grab me, the crazier of the two grabs me and starts stabbing my side. He throws me inside and promises to kill my family if I don't stop. I ask if he wouldn't have done the exact same in my situation... Wake up~