Explosive storm

Date: 10/7/2017

By melissakitty

I was somewhere on holiday... my family and friends were there and we we had the penthouse in this skyscraper hotel. As we were looking outside, the weather changed and this aaaamaaazingly huuuuuge, BLACK storm cloud rolled in very quickly... the next thing we heard was a deafening sound of thunder, which sounded like a bomb go off, and to our horror we began watching the skyscraper (which was in construction) next to us start to topple down. It was harrowing, and none of us could believe what we were seeing. Everything happened so quickly that we weren't sure if it was a terrorist bombing, or if it was just the storm. It couldn't have been the storm surely? Was it an earthquake? All I knew was that I had to stop watching the fall and get everyone to the ground floor before the cloud hit our hotel. Just as quickly as the cloud had appeared, it disappeared, and we all knew we didn't have long before it potentially came back and destroyed our building. Outside didn't feel safe, so we stayed in the lobby. I was anxious about the rubble of the whole building coming down on to us, and as we saw the huge black cloud develop again I ushered everyone I could into a room to hide under a big antique table - in the hope that if the building did come down, then at least the table might protect us. I even started trying to put all the chairs on the table for extra protection. I woke up before anything horrible happened.