Super Rainbow Suspenders

Date: 3/5/2019

By leathecage

I was back in high school and I had just bought new school supplies, the problem was that I had yet to prepare my supplies and I already missed the bus. As I was prepping, I offered to drive my friend Deby to school as well. When I finally got everything in order and made it to school, I was given the rainbow suspenders of outstanding performance. They took way too long to put on, but when I did, they gave me superpowers. After school, I walked to the library, which was a mistake because it was a long walk. I decided to text my dad so he could pick me up. Hours had passed and I didn't get a replay. Eventually it was 10:00 PM and the library was closed, and he still had yet to replay. I couldn't help but cry out of worry and stress. This middle aged woman, who worked at the library, was also apparently my neighbor, so she offered to drive me home. First, it was suddenly day light outside, and she drove me to her house first because she just baked cookies. She also had a dog that looked just like Pluto, Mickey Mouses dog. There was suddenly a knock at the back door and she told me to hide in the basement. In the basement, I ran out the door to run over to my house to see what was up. When I got there, no one was there. I got worried, but I also had to get ready for school again. At school people were gossiping about this tall, shadowy man who kills people. They named off some of their victims which included my family and all of my neighbors and their pets. I was devastated, but I knew I could fix it, I had rainbow suspenders after all! During gym class a bunch of alien looking dudes were taking over the school and turned all the hallway walls into this fleshy substance. I was fighting of monsters one by one, until I ran into one where it seemed I had met my match. He had me on the ground as he was charging up a fire ball in his hand to finish me off. But I wasn't going to give up, for I too was charging up a fire ball, and I knew I had to win because the fate of everyone I knew was in my hands. My charge ended up being faster, and I blasted him in the face with an intense heat. The fire ball didn't instantly kill him, but it did cause a burn, which slowly ate away at his health. After he was defeated everything suddenly went back to normal. Everyone I knew was alive again, and it was graduation day. My family and I were driving to the ceremony, but we stopped at this antique shop first. It was closed, but we still busted inside. The boy that worked there was grumpy, but he didn't do anything about us. My dad wouldn't stop breaking things, so I decided it was best for us to go. We had to use some monkey bars to make it to the door though. We finally got to the school and parking was only 25¢. I made my way over to the stage and suddenly aliens were attacking. My classmates and I started fighting them off and I was the star of the show with my rainbow suspenders.