Midget Restaurant / Talent Show

Date: 2/3/2019

By 14bowlingz

Sitting at a Weird bar hosting community talent show Wait staff was all midgets (big waiter would ask if you want them to bring your food “do you want your midgets now or later?) First group played whatever but it was really awkward Second guy stood in the middle of the room and emotionally yelled / sang a sad song about a girl he lost, everyone started getting teared up By the end of the song he’s on the ground and the MC picks up the mic wiping tears away: “I didn’t plan on crying tonight God DAMN! Tears of rock and roll!” Next group is a couple but they suck and are out of tune, no one claps I order spinach artichoke from the waitress: “sure I’ll have the midgets bring it” Midget brings the food for another person at my table, sits down to hang out. I ask him if he knows what band is playing: “no idea” Last performer before I woke up was an old Chinese mom and her two young kids. The kids are playing some string instrument but the amp isn’t working so you can barely hear and it’s uncomfortable. The mom pushes them away and tries to play it herself, same deal. At the end she stands up, points to a multimeter that’s not plugged in indicating there’s no power and says “so sad right?” Everyone stares back awkwardly and she starts clapping in front of her face to signal applause. Audience gives a half assed golf clap. While the next performer is getting set up, the waitress asks if I want my spinach artichoke now or later. “Uhh Now I guess” I wake up to my dog barking at the doorbell like an asshole.