Bringing Alcohol to School

Date: 9/10/2019

By randybobandy

What a weird jumble. It was my college graduation except it was taking place at the school I went to for elementary school. Plus everyone there was from my high school, not college. It was some kind of pre-graduation party. We were in a cafeteria. For some reason I brought a ton of nips. I had them in my backpack. I couldn't find my friends at all so I saw next to a kid Shawn who was sitting by myself. In high school he was quiet and got bullied. I thought to myself that he's probably really cool and nice so I started talking to him. We instantly hit it off and we even talked about drinking. He loved going to bars which I didn't expect. Even though it's college and we all must be 21 or older, I was sure bringing alcohol was not allowed and I started to get paranoid. Shawn and I went up to the front of the cafeteria and hid my nips behind a ^ shaped whiteboard sign on the floor. We sat back down and a teacher made an announcement that Chloe and Tyler stepped on something somewhere and got seriously injured, and the janitors were going to do a sweep of the entire cafeteria before continuing the ceremony. Chaos ensued and I tried to push through everyone to grab my nips but they were gone. For so long I walked through the crowd looking around frantically for my stuff. I kept thinking I saw teachers drinking them but would come to find out I was mistaken. Finally the ceremony continued and I was sitting back with Shawn. The teacher who was leading the ceremony started accusing someone else of the bringing alcohol. I stood up and said that if they were talking about the nips it was me. Everyone gasped. The teacher asked me why. I said I thought I would be chilling with my friends and want to have a nice drink but I was fine, and I couldn't find my friends anyway. The teacher asked if I intended on sharing them with everyone and I said no they were just for me. Then she asked if my dad "knew." I said he knew I drank obviously but that he wasn't involved in my life at all. The teacher pulled me in and gave me a hug in front of everyone. "And your mom?" she asked. I said, "same thing." Everyone started tearing up.