
Date: 11/2/2022

By incurableflame

Supernatural-themed dream. Dean is killed, and nothing can bring him back, and we all have to deal with it, and why he can't be brought back. I'm walking the streets, it's like Las Vegas, there's casinos and stuff everywhere. It's night time, but the shop fronts are bright neon colours. I find a restroom, for some reason my mouth is full of teeth and blood, and the toilets are filthy. There are other women there but they don't seem to mind the filth. I walk out without peeing, I just spit out the teeth and blood. I can't remember if it's my own teeth and blood? Or someone else's or a mix. I had a few teeth missing but not all. Apparently, this was from a fight. Anyways, I walk out of there and back to the street. I hear Sam talking on the phone outside some bar under the golden light of the streetlight. He's wearing red plaid and is tall as af. He sees me and I walk over to him, I need to talk to him, and he wants to talk to me, he ends the phonecall. We're leaving the neon-lit casino street and walk onto a general nondescript neighbourhood road. I want to tell him about why we can't bring Dean back this time, why nothing will work. I say something like "I need to talk to you about bringing Dean back..." But he interrupts me excitedly, tells me about some ideas he has, people he knows. He truly believes Dean can be brought back risk-free. I have to stop him. I explain to him that God will not return Dean for a very specific reason - there were signs. Signs we ignored about Dean's fate, and because we didn't see what we were supposed to see, it's our fault. We missed our chance. I specifically reminded Sam of the time when Dean got into a car with some people, while me and Sam stayed behind. And how we noticed the car that drove behind Dean, a cream-coloured jeep, which we thought was weird, the way it drove so close behind. God can't save people who ignore signs and warnings - that was the gist of the dream. I also remember something about my hypothetical boyfriend getting his head smashed to death, and me being unable to watch and unable to save him. He got his jaw severely dislocated, and I think that's connected to all the teeth in my mouth ...