Volunteering and Being Caught with Porn by My Female Roomates.

Date: 9/16/2018

By AJacobs

My dream consisted of volunteering at some football stadium with ROTC. It was like super tiny and assumed to be ODU. We drove past it before in the dream when trying to find something else. Funny thing, the stadium was pitiful. a field with a couple bleachers on the side of the road in front of the school. I actually expected it to be this stadium from a previous dream that had like 6 stories of bleachers. Later I was in my supposed apartment like place with roommates. Before that I remember seeing a storefront for like Mario something too. Anyways, I was using an Xbox to play Halo ODST basically. I kept being annoyed at this spot where I had to fight like a Brute Chieftan that was too fast and wouldn't die. I remember booting the game up multiple times, because it was crashing? Anyways I quit out and then scroll over on I guess what's supposed to be like a home screen. It scrolls over to what is supposed to be like, animated monster porn or something that I've downloaded for some reason. I immediately try to turn off the console. Take in mind Two girls are sitting on my left and one guy on my right. Austin looks over at it... and somehow he gets the controller and scrolls away, only to find harsh porn that he put their. I exclaim "what the..." and then the girls look over. I start to cough like a big cookie with boogers from my throat. I wake up and my throat is like, yuck, gross, thank goodness that didn't happen.