what the fuck school days

Date: 12/6/2017

By willowgroves

I had a dream that it was a normal school day but half way through the day for some reason I changed into my night dress. I have no idea why. and for some reason it was a series of embarrassing things happened. such as for some reason Shaw had a crush on me and he was following me around everywhere. . then I went to lunch and I kept trying to hide the fact that I was in a night gown. and anyway we had to go to the hall afterwards and they were trying to get Brontes YouTube channel working. and they couldn't find it so I suggested Instagram. then Becky came up to me and asked why I wanted to show the video. and the teachers were like, we want to show it. apparently there was lots of embarrassing things of me on there.but in stead of showing it, they handed out like DVDs to everyone in the school and. Bronte for parks for it in dollar bills and she made a.fortune. then we went back to the common room and I got changed with people who were talking about how shit their alevels are.