Date: 4/7/2017
By diggingforeggs
I'm on holiday in Europe with my family, I feel bored. We go walking around a big lake that had a powerful current. It was actually a river coming from under the mountain. We're up at the top end of the lake near some cliffs. We're hanging around when I hear something from up on the mountain. We all look back and see huge boulders flying over our heads. Everyone starts running away, I feel surprisingly calm and realise we should run back to take shelter against the wall. I shout that to my family and we all do it. The landslide goes on for a few minutes, rocks fly over our heads but we're safe. Dad keeps trying to get pictures, I scream no at him. After the landslide I climb up the cliff to get a small rock as a momento. It feels like I'm forcing it though. There's more landslides in the dream, it ends with a huge one that's so big it gets us. The rocks are round and silver like ball bearings now. The final dream scene is the same valley thousands of years in the future, there's another huge landslide. Earlier dreams, Charlie Chapman being confident and free with women