I get caught up in a secret war between royalty and the mafia (there's a bit of romance)

Date: 10/2/2017

By salvo

So this dream requires a bit of world-building bc it's pretty wild and dark and in-depth so bear with me. So in the dream there are two species: humans and this alien race called budos. The budos are taller, smarter, more beautiful, etc. They kind of look like Avatars (if you ever saw that movie), except they're less cat-like and more reptile-like, if that makes any sense. They are technically in charge of the government, but the humans hold positions of fame (kind of like the royal family in England). The superiors of both species live in the palace. The queen is a budo and has all the power, while the king is a human and is basically just there for show. The humans are really shady and are unhappy with how little say they have in the government, so they are trying to sabotage the budos in order to take back control. Think of the humans as sort of a legal mafia (the king is not involved). The budos retaliate by sabotaging them back and it's kind of this secret civil war. Also there's this drug that's called nexium. It's literally just LSD except it's a naturally grown plant and it looks like a really large, rainbow-colored (and color-changing) dandelion. It's super super light, but it's prickly like a cactus. When you pick it, it starts to form smaller little plumes that show up and pop like little bubbles. (I hope that's a good enough description. I'm sorry, it was really weird). So anyway, now to the dream: I and three other people were called to the palace bc we were special for some reason, and we were just waiting to be called on by the queen. I was apparently super edgy™ and I had this really sad emo backstory, which made me very sensitive and jumpy. The four of us were allowed to walk around and basically had free reign of the palace. One day I went up to the game room up at the top of the palace. To get there you had to walk through the mafia's torture room, and also a small bike fixing area. So I went through these rooms and into the game room, and I found a bunch of people standing around this corpse of a girl. They were trying to figure out who killed her. That's where I saw the son of the mafia boss (my bf in real life; his name is Larry). He was like super angry. He saw me and composed himself and told everyone else to leave. They cleaned the body of the girl up and it was just me and him. I found this game kind of like the racing games where the chairs tip a little as you turn, except it was flying around and you had to shoot things. Then Larry came and joined me, but it kept crashing bc it was playing from his computer, and he also had music on, but the computer couldn't play music and the game at the same time. As he was fixing it, my irl college roommate showed up and played with us for a little bit and then disappeared. I played a few more games, and then Larry asked me to go to the college's homecoming dance with him. We got to the dance, and it was outdoors on the football field. There were way less people than I was expecting and it was raining. There were people playing toss with a ball and things that were similar to lacrosse sticks but they were just mesh bags with stiff openings. Larry played with them for a few throws and then came back over to me. The field was down in a valley, so Larry and I just stood for a little bit. He kissed me and we went back to the palace. We were going to go back up to the game room, but we ran into a group of humans that were talking about no one doing anything about the dead girl. They asked Larry what he was doing about it, since she was his girl. One guy mentioned that the king wasn't doing anything, and someone else pointed out that the king didn't have any power anyways, and someone else really easily said that they would just have to kill the king. At that point, the group was walking by a bunch of budos doing work in this big hall, and they kind of looked suspicious but didn't say anything. I was kind of hurt, that Larry had been sleeping with the dead girl, and he explained that he had slept with both the girl and her boyfriend. He said it was the budos who had killed her. I asked why, and he took me to the mafia's torture room, where he had the prince's girlfriend tied up. He started cutting into her, and I ran out, terrified. As I left the wing of the palace, there were these guys standing in the rain, who were offering nexium. I took a plume and ate one of its little bubbles, and I started seeing all these swirling colors, and it was hard to focus. I started making my way to the other side of the palace with the nexium in my hand. I was stumbling, but like super awestruck about what I was experiencing. Once I got back into the palace and into the sleeping wing, I grabbed a little crate from the windowsill outside someone's room to put my nexium in, and I made my way up the elevator to my floor. I was super giggly all the way up. When I got near the door to our room, I collapsed and started crying. I was so loud the other people that I came to the palace with came out to see what was going on. They had to roll me into the room, and they asked me what happened. All I did was pull out a little box full of pictures of my family and look at them. That's the last thing I remember.