My dream predicted the future

Date: 9/4/2018


I had a whole ass dream and i forgot most of it but I definitely remember the end of my dream. At the end of my dream I heard a voice telling me it was time to wake up, the voice gave me 3 options on how I wanted to be woken up and the options were 1. My sister screaming, 2. My sister laughing or 3. my sister crying, I chose laughing, and when I chose that I immediately heard laughter in my dream, I was confused for a while until I opened my eyes, I was in my bed, and my sister was on the computer in our room laughing. And believe me my dream predicted the future because if she was laughing before I would've heard it. I always hear my real life surroundings in my dreams, so that was the first time she laughed, which means my dream did predict the future, or did I predict the future, because I was the one who chose laughing. Bitch I'm shook.