Multiple Night Terrors

Date: 5/1/2021

By SagittariusDreamer

I'm having a very difficult time sleeping, so there are multiple dreams. I don't remember much of the first one. There was a little girl. And it was like, she had a normal face. But the more I tried to look at her, the more red and distorted it became. And when I sat down on the couch beside me, she threatened me. I don't know what she said, but she was holding something in her hand and was threatening me with it. I woke up, and my throat was burning, but I just figured it's because I'm very slightly sick (runny nose, tickly throat, nothing serious. My throat doesn't even hurt). So I turned over and fell asleep again fairly quickly. I remember more of the second dream that happened. I was at Dylan's house I think, the setting was extremely familiar, so I'm sure I've visited the place in a dream before. I was in the living room and we were trying to sleep, but I couldn't. I went to the kitchen, put some ice in my cup, and was prepared to pour alcohol in it until my mom came downstairs. There's a blank spot here as I can't remember exactly what happened, but I believe I poured water in my cup and went upstairs without it. I ended up in Daniel's (Dylan's brother) room. We talked for a bit, and he said he wanted some water and that there was some upstairs. I told him that there was some in a cup downstairs that I made and wasn't drinking. We then ended up talking about the TV, after he cringed when Joker (2020) scrolled across the Netflix screen. Another gap, and I was downstairs. I was about to take the train with Dylan's mom and two of her grandkids I think, and we needed 75¢ each to get on the train to where I lived. I assured the kids we all had enough, but I reached into my pocket to make sure anyways. I had two quarters, and a slew of nickels and dimes. I tried to pick up a quarter off the living room floor, but it turned into some random broach when I picked it up. I was visibly and audibly confused, scanning the floor for the multiple quarters that had been on the floor just moments before. As I noticed they were gone, Jacqueline (a childhood friend of mine) called my name. I looked up at her and the strangest thing happened. It was like, her entire face was shaded out except for this shining patch over her left eye. It went away, and I was confused, but she did it again and it felt like something was touching me, like a circle of pressure on my right thigh. I woke up again and I could still feel the pressure, so I was extremely freaked out. Especially remembering that whatever girl that was in the first dream threatened me, it felt like she was cultivating these night terrors to fuck with me. I think my throat was still burning, I turned over again to try and alleviate it and fell asleep quickly again. (Mind you, the entire time these dreams are happening, it's like I can still feel my body, but it's like a mix. I can feel my legs and my arms, but I'm not aware that I'm dreaming.) The third dream rolls around and Jesus Fuck does it get personal. I was outside at night, walking up the sidewalk leading to the side porch of my house. I see my ex boyfriend's older brother coming down the street with someone else, and he asks me if I wanted to do something with some cars, for lack of remembrance of what he actually said. But I suppose it was along the lines of breaking into or smashing up some cars. I'm not into that kind of behavior, I like to obey laws and don't start drama with anyone, he knows that. So I declined. He shrugs and says okay, and I see him pull out a chain of sorts, I could tell it was gold at a glance even in the dark. I walk up onto the porch and see my brother at the van in the car port. Coming up the street, there's this car that catches my attention. And it wasn't the car itself that caught it, but the hand sticking out of the driver's side window. Since it was dark, I couldn't properly see and was squinting until the car caught the light of the car port lights. It was like everything was moving in slow motion for the longest time as the car went up the street, and I finally noticed the gun the driver had in his left hand sticking out of the car, pointed right at the car port. I yelled at my brother to watch out, but the words came out delayed as they started shooting. He dropped to the ground and I yelled his name, running up the stairs leading to the car port. Then I heard him... judging me? In his usual tone of voice, he was saying something along the lines of 'I shouldn't be going up to the car port, because they might stick around and shoot me too'. I was still on the stairs, conflicted. At the same time, I was willing to drag him into the house to safety, but I was also considering running in without him because of what he was saying. The dream ended before I figured out what to do, but it left my heart pounding. I initially fell asleep around maybe 5:40am? I woke up from the last dream at around 6:30am, and it's currently 6:50am. I think these dreams might've been caused by the chocolate chip muffins I ate before bed, in addition to paranoia, my janky sleep hours, and maybe even me being sick. Apparently, sugar and/or stress can increase the chances of having a night terror. Stress can also increase the chances of auditory hypnagogic hallucinations, but I think I was just hearing voices again. Should probably talk to my therapist about that. And this may be unrelated, but I ended up falling asleep with my upside down cross necklace on, so... take that as you will I suppose. It's currently 7:03am (est). I'm kinda nervous about going to sleep again, but I'll try. __________________________________________ 7:26am edit - I don't remember after which dream it was but I suspect it was the first one. I was sleeping on my right side, and I had woken up to my left eye staring down at my pillow. My pillow is white with purple stripes(?). One of the spots looked like someone's head from above and behind, as if they were floating and I was above them. I nearly freaked out thinking I was floating in midair, which was followed by paranoia that someone was on the ceiling behind me. 

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, it is possible that you are feeling overwhelmed and under threat in your waking life. The little girl in the first dream could represent a disturbing or repressed aspect of yourself or a situation that is causing you anxiety. The fact that her face became more distorted and threatening as you stared at her could indicate a sense of powerlessness or loss of control in some areas of your life. The second dream seems to be related to a desire for escape or relief from stress. The fact that you were considering adding alcohol to your drink could indicate a need for numbness or a temporary escape from your problems. Your interaction with Daniel could represent a desire for comfort and familiarity from someone close to you. The strange visual and physical sensations you experienced with Jacqueline could indicate a sense of unease and confusion in your social interactions. The third dream seems to highlight feelings of fear and vulnerability. The gun and violence in the dream may reflect a sense of danger or threat in your waking life. Your conflicting emotions about how to react to your brother being in harm's way may be reflective of a struggle to balance your own needs and the needs of others. Overall, your dreams seem to reflect a high level of stress and anxiety in your life. It is possible that these dreams are a reflection of real-life stresses and anxieties that are impacting your sleep and mental wellbeing. It is recommended that you seek support from a therapist, especially if these dreams are becoming a regular occurrence.