Disappointed Christmas

Date: 1/24/2022

By lauriemae

I had two flat tires so for Christmas I got 2 new rims and tires, 2 days layer they were flat again, I had gotten a big bag of reeces and my mom had taken them. I was trying to get someone to take me to the store because I really wanted the reeces, and my car wasn't drivable. There was something else I got that didn't work, so basically every gift was worthless and didn't work. But then some family came by and gave me money, so that was better. My mom finally needed to go out for something so I went with so I could get my chocolate and peanut butter fix. The cashier was not the brightest bulb. I paid with a $20 bill and the register seemed to take forever then she said my card was declined. I told her I had paid with cash and she went to the back to check the cameras, then came back and said I was right and gave me my change. Our neighbor owned a bar nearby so I stopped in to see about a job and we started talking about tattoos, so I was showing off mine and when I showed one calf, there was a tattoo I didn't remember getting, it was a Wil e coyote. That's about all I remember.