Oh My Darling, Clementine (You Will Hate Them All The Time)

Date: 5/30/2020

By Machman

This dream doesn't make a lick of sense even by dream standards but I will try my best to piece what I can together. The first thing I remember is a scene at a pub. An old man's pub or a function room at a bowling club or something and they're all playing dominos. But whilst this is going on domino shaped objects appear, hologram like, in the air all around like digital CGI in a movie and they are changing shape like from domino shape to L shape and the dots all change. A voice (like someone narrating a documentary) tells us (the viewer) about the total number of dots in a set of dominos. The scene changes and I am making my way down a carpeted corridor in what I believe to be a run down hotel (there are cigarette butts on the carpet). I am in a wheelchair but I think I can walk. I come to an elevator door and press the button. The scene changes again and the elevator is for a set of flats like those horrible 70s "mazes" you used to see in TV shows like The Bill when they went to the Larkmead Estate. I get in the lift and the door is about to close when a woman walks in to join me. I don't pay her much attention so I can't remember what she looks like but I do know she was very nervous. For reference, lifts / elevators have played a big part in my dreams for as long as I can remember. As a child I was scared to get in them. I can trace it back to an incident as a young child when I was accidentally left in a lift on my own and it totally traumatised me. Anyway I am in this shabby lift with some random woman. There is a stream of water coming in from the top of the lift as it starts to go up. As it goes up a creepy woman's voice can be heard singing to the tune of "Oh My Darling, Clementine" "You will hate them, you will hate them, you will hate them all the time". The nervous woman was totally freaked and pressed a button to stop at a random floor and she gets out. I remain in the lift. The metal lift becomes glass fronted and there is rain falling on the glass. I remember feeling anxious that I need to get out the lift as I know something terrible will happen but I don't remember anything else after that.