Date: 1/24/2025
By arrisonk
I was in a brightly lit room that was full of gray carpeted steps, ramps and ledges. It was short, dense carpet; not shag. I began walking around the ramps and ledges, upward in the large room. My dogs, Theo and Joe, were following me. I was slightly nervous about the low barriers along the sides because we could have fallen over them. I walked out on a long ledge along the wall that was about three stories up. It had no barrier at all and was very sketchy. My dogs followed me on to it and I grew nervous about them being there. I walked back away from the ledge, watching as they followed me. Theo made it with no problem, but Joe fell over the side. I watched him fall to the bottom floor, between ramps and some stairs that were in the middle of the room. He landed on his back at the bottom and I ran to him. He was alive but dazed. He did not appear to be in pain, but he was not flipping over off his back. I kept feeling his ribs and back for abnormalities and asking him if he was okay. Then I woke.