Date: 12/31/2019
By aubs814
I went on this cruise with my fam and our friend's fam and I was mostly hanging with the son of the other family bc he was around my age, while my mom hung around the mom. We all got food and I was having an overall good time. But everytime we would pass by the moms, the kid's mom would just spit out so much shit to me and insult me and tell me how I wasn't worth enough to be hanging out with her son and even some death threats. I was holding it together for the most part until the last insult, and I spat out my food and just burst out crying while the kid was comforting me. He decided to take me out for a drive to take me away from all of it (idk how we could drive away while we were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean but whatever) we drove for a little while and we must have crashed, because after that, I was dead. There was a barrier between the living world and that of the dead, and everytime someone who was dead would get upset and pass the barrier and try to talk to the living world, the living world couldn't see or hear them, and they'd have to come back. I saw 1 newly dead guy try to do this because he refused to believe that he died so young, and none of his friends could see or hear him and he got really really upset. We all watched this happen through the barrier like it was a giant tv screen. But then a bunch of new people my age appeared, and I determined that they were all part of some mass accident together and died. But they all happened to be the other models that would be in this year's fashion show with me. We started talking and got upset that since we were all dead, we couldn't participate in the show anymore. I added that I got my poses already perfected so that this year I could get it right, and I was really really upset about not being able to do the show. But then one of them had an idea of how we can still make it work. I think they took fabric from the living world to make our costumes with. We put them all on, got our hair and makeup done, and went to the show entrance. When we tried to go backstage to get ready, the people working there let us in and it was a success! They were like, "hello..... costumed people" and when we got in I whispered to the girl next to me, "they can't see us but they can see our costumes!" We got our place in line, the order of which model walks when, and got in our places. I was the very last model to walk, but for some reason they started doing some dance show thing after everyone else and before me so I think they might have forgotten about me since I was last. But I walked in between the big dances, did my thing, posed, and walked back out. It was pretty much a success! As we were walking out with the other models for the afterparty, I noticed a girl I've known since elementary school there and got sad, I was like, "aww layla's dead too? She is so beautiful... what a shame" and I talked to the other living models like normal, forgetting I was supposed to be dead because they could somehow hear me and see me again. And it ended on that good note and I woke up :)