Date: 3/19/2019
By SkylarLee
Darkness floods our minds and clouds our judgement. Just like how we choose to ignore the worst in people and pretend to push past it, but Hidden their in the back of our minds we know that what we are refusing to acknowledge is the truth. And when hiding that away may last for awhile at some point we all need to face the ugly truths that are ruining this world. Not all of our friends are really our friends. And not all of our enemies are really our enemies. Family can be deceiving just like any random stranger. Don’t hide because your scared, face it, because you know you can and you know that someday you will have to anyways. So why not now? Cause what good comes from hiding? When you used to hide from the monsters under your bed what good did it get you? Safety? No because you were still scared, you still barley slept. Now think about it. You have learned that the only monsters hiding under your bed were simply the voices in your head. Fight them. Beat them. Listen to what they have to say, then knock them out. Your fears are what make you, you. Don’t fear the truth, don’t hide it. Learn to live with it. Life is only so long...