Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Tati and the other guy bravely shielded the child from their mother's belt, taking the hits themselves to protect them.


Date: 9/22/2017

By frosttiffany

My mom was mad about something and tried whooping me with a belt. Tati and some other guy took the hits for me. I took one but tati wasn't having it and jumped in.

AI generated interpretation This dream could be reflecting feelings of guilt or responsibility that you may be carrying in your waking life. The fact that your mom is mad and trying to discipline you with a belt could symbolize feelings of pressure or punishment in some aspect of your life. The presence of your sibling Tati and another guy stepping in to take the hits for you suggests a desire for protection or a need for support from others. The act of taking a hit and Tati not accepting it could represent a conflict between taking responsibility for your actions and feeling justified in receiving punishment. This internal conflict may be causing inner turmoil and guilt. It could also indicate a sense of loyalty or protective instincts towards your loved ones. Overall, this dream may be highlighting your need to address and resolve any feelings of guilt, pressure, or conflict that you are experiencing in your waking life. It may also be a reminder to seek support from others and communicate your feelings in order to overcome any challenges you are facing.