Date: 8/1/2020
By angiebobandi
Went to go see a movie w bro & dad. But it turned into us being the movie. We had to meet up at some old school european ice cream parler. Everyone was dressed like the 1950s. We were there to learn about some operation. My bro said hpe didn't want ice cream but when i was up at the selections, he told me to get coffee. i was annoyed and got pistachio instead. i remember the icecream guy was standing on a platform that made him look 8 ft tall. I never got to the part about the operation. I think earlier in the dream, I was also eating chocolates guarding a shopping cart as my mom went into the store. Some guy w an owl on his shoulder came out, was super dirty, and talked about how he had to drive down to the city 20 times today & how broke he is.