Exploding Mice

Date: 2/12/2021

By Jacker44

Ok so I had two dreams last night. Here’s the first one: I was over at dinner with a older couple with my brother and parents. The couple was kind of mean but they served a great dinner. That night, my brother and I shared a bedroom, and I couldn’t fall asleep. I decided I was going to set up a tent to sleep in so I grabbed one and walked downstairs. I saw the man standing in the dining room and I was going to ask him where I could set my tent up when I noticed something. He was standing over a ton of dead baby mice. The mother was pregnant and had exploded somehow. It was absolutely disgusting, the smell and the site. Then something happened. I knew some government agents were going to come along and take the baby mice, and for what ever reason I didn’t want that to happen. I was going to hide them but then some agents burst in through the door and took all the dead baby mice. The second dream started and I was with a famous mountaineering guide. We were in a super cool valley and we’re hanging on some ropes 10,000 feet above the valley floor. We uncoupled from those ropes and swung down on another to the ground. It was supper fun but a bit scary. I then left and wandered through the forest and came across a ski area. Because it was summer, all the runs were just clearings. However, there was still one run with a lot of snow on it. I met up with two friends and we were playing on the snow when a massive group of skiers jumped onto it nearly killing us. I was pissed and started yelling at them. They started yelling back and things only escalated from there. Finally I realized it was useless arguing and so I left, walking down the run. They laughed at me but then started to chase me. I ran. For the rest of the dream I kept running but I would occasionally have to fist fight one of them off.