Creepy stick creature

Date: 12/23/2018

By evpeeling

I was in a post apocalyptic world and everyone was divided into classes. It reminded me of the hunger games, with different “sectors” that people lived in. I was living underground in one of the lowest class sectors. Everything was dirty and wet, kind of like a sewer. I can’t remember much about the dream, but I remember one scene where I got in trouble or I tried to escape my sector. This really creepy creature (that was human at one point) confronted me. It looked like a stick bug with a shriveled human head. It was yelling at me, but all the while contorting its limbs like the girl in The Grudge or the girl in The Ring when she is climbing up the well. The worst part was while the creature was contorting and snapping its stick like limbs, they were making a sickening sound like the sound of crushing a bug combined with snapping a twig. Eventually I escaped that sector and snuck into a nice one, but I can’t remember that very well. Ugh what a gross dream. I remember being semi-lucid and wanting to wake up and dream about something different.