Running off

Date: 8/19/2018

By alicia_retro

So I think that this dream is a continuation of some other dreams I’ve had. It takes place after school and I’m walking to my bus and I got dropped off at my bus place but for the past few days I had been sneaking off and walking like and entire district away from my home for some reason. There was no point of being there but I felt like I had to walk. When I got to a street that was familiar (because I’ve walked that far out before) I felt kinda proud of myself. Whenever I walked out this far I called my brother to bring me home and to not tell our parents where I’ve been. This time I didn’t want to bother him so I was going to just walk back. But before I left I saw a friend of my mine who was also my brothers friend and we started talking.”He asked me what I’m doing all the way over here?” And “HOW did you even get over here??” And explained that Ive been walking far asf from my house the past few days. He asked my and I said I feel like I have to. He offered to take me back home (also this is t important but he’s like in his early/mid 20’s and I’m 16) we got in his car and we talked about my brother the whole time. He asked if I liked my brothers gf and said (insert my brothers gf in real life’s name here)? Yeah I love her. And he said no, not here, Ashley (or something like that) and I said “who??” And he said that my brother and his last gf just broke up and now he’s talking to Ashley. I was kinda pissed because my brother usually would tell me something like that. But we make it back to my house and I invite him in and plays 2K on my Xbox and I start making food. At this point it’s obvious he’s into me (even tho he’s grown asffffffff) and I also invited my other friend to come over and she so happens to have a crush on him. It’s also obvious that he don’t want her. I didn’t say anything about it cause it’s not like I’m gonna get with him lol she can try all she wants. That’s where that dream ends