Skatepark and cool girl

Date: 10/4/2016

By CheesyIceCream

I fell asleep and I was (non-lucidly) dreaming of sitting in my neighborhood park where I ride my bike and take walks there sometimes. It was so nice and peaceful. The leaves on the trees were golden and there were birds chirping and singing. It was my favorite weather, sunny with a chilly breeze. It was so vivid and it felt just like real life. Then, I looked to my left and I saw a kind of mini skatepark. (I skateboard) I was really excited because I have always wanted a skatepark near my house where I can go to by myself. It wasn't any ordinary skatepark though.. It was yellow and red tube ramps, and the ground was covered in sand. When I saw all these things, I realized this couldn't be real. I recognized I was in a dream, and then I tried to stabilize myself. (Calming down, rubbing hands, spinning in a circle etc.) After I did all this, thing became so clear and real. I decided to try and skate on the park, because it was a pretty awesome place. I thought since I was lucid, I could do all the tricks I'd wanted to do in real life. So naturally, I tried a fakie tre-flip off a ramp. I envisioned my feet landing on the board and rolling down smoothly.. Annddd.... I fell flat on my face. I couldn't feel pain but I was confused why it didn't work. Then, a really pretty girl helped me get back on my feet. She was wearing a red beanie, a green jacket with a white t-shirt and jeans. And obviously vans lol. We skated around the park for a little bit and then I asked if she wanted to take a walk in this trail there is in the park, and she said yes. So we jumped across a stream and walked across crunchy leaves and under golden fall trees for a while until we reached a grassy field. We sat down and talked about stuff like movies and books and games. She was so funny and nice. I wish there was someone like that in my real life.. I remember telling her that we are in a dream world and she didn't believe me. So I tried to show her that I could fly, but then I thought that might be too much, and I would wake up. So I said I can pull out any small item from thin air, and she was like okay pull out a copy of my hat, and I believed there really was a red beanie behind my hand, and I grabbed for it, AND THERE IT WAS! it's the first time I've done something like that in a lucid dream successfully before! She finally believed me and then we were going to get lunch together, but I woke up ;(