Attack of the Oobleck

Date: 3/25/2023

By briannagio

I’m standing outside a house and find a cylindrical box placed at the trunk of a tree. I open it up to find some sort of slime-like substance on the inside of it. I go into the house (which is now my dad’s house) without questioning the box of slime. I’m talking to Alex and her friend when mid-conversation, I switch to an audience’s point of view, still watching myself in the scene. The slime from the box outside has come alive and is in the house, crawling toward Alex’s friend. It goes up her leg and into her pants. As the slime continues up her leg, her demeanor changes from calm to a bit snippy. As time goes on, she gets annoyed and eventually angry with Alex and I. I’m the scene, we’re trying to figure out why, but then the girl suddenly goes back to normal. From the audience’s perspective, I can see that the slime—which in my head, is now “oobleck”—is crawling back down her back and away from the girls. In the scene, Alex and I seem to notice it too and understand that that’s what changed the girl’s demeanor. We follow it to the neighbor’s house behind my dad’s. We’re worried that it will possess one of the girls that live there, but when we get to the house we see that we’re too late as it crawls onto their dog (it’s actually Arrow Tynan). We sneak into the house, but we’re quickly caught by one of the girls. Neither of us tells them about the dog to avoid scaring them. I decide to slip the dog’s collar off before he fully transforms because I believe this would help somehow. One of us opens the back door to let the dog outside without the girls noticing. We both follow the dog outside, and he turns around and runs toward me, still in a mellow mood. I decide to throw myself over him to try to keep him under control once he does get possessed. I wonder how the oobleck hasn’t turned him into a viscous dog yet when I see an identical dog running at me at the corner of my eye. I see that the second dog is barking his teeth at me and I sprint away, leaving the normal dog behind. I wonder how the oobleck cloned the real dog, but I’m mostly relieved that the dog is alright. I run through the (very large) yard and ask escape through an opening in the hedges. Alex, her friend (who has suddenly reappeared) and I all make it to the sidewalk, but the possessed dog is still after me. It chases me all the way to the front of the neighborhood. When I make it to the Bradham Pointe sign, I hop into an SUV that has just stopped at the stop sign. A black woman is in the drivers’ seat and I frantically tell “Drive!! It doesn’t matter where, just drive as fast as you can!” She turns right from the neighborhood and then opens her car window. I check in the right side mirror for the dog, but the oobleck seems to have gone back to its original form and is speed-inching its way toward the SUV. It gets in through the driver’s side window and it crawls into the woman’s shirt. I open the passenger door and jump out before she’s possessed by the oobleck and doesn’t let me out. I run back to my dad’s house. When I get back inside, Caity, Michael and Justin Rivero (with short, straight hair) are here. Alex and I warn them about the evil oobleck and we all devise a plan to catch it and get it back in its box if it comes back.