Raph and a Weird Castle

Date: 6/17/2019

By FloatingAway

So this one is pretty long I think and I’m not sure how much I remember: I was in a small village and it was set in Viking times or something. We were under attack and everything was getting burned down, people were getting burned alive and beaten up all around us. I watched as a man poured fuel all over a woman and set her on fire and just looked on as she screamed and burned. (Super horrific I know, no idea why I dreamt any of this) My friends and I decided the only way we would get out alive was if we set the forest bordering the village on fire and then ran through it to the other side before anyone could follow us. We threw fuel all over the first line of trees that bordered the village and set them on fire, the crackling and popping of all the leaves was really really loud but we took our chance and ran into the forest and kept running until we could just see smoke in the distance. We came to a natural “wall” of sorts, made out of soil and grass but it was nearly too steep to climb up. We thought we wouldn’t be able to make it over but somehow managed to clamber up. All around us we could see the different kingdoms. On one side we could see a large manor and loads of little cottages surrounding it that all looked like MineCraft. On the other side were big stone castles like something out of Game Of Thrones. There was a huge crack in the ground growing from where we were standing and stretching all the way across the kingdom as far as we could see. My friend told me that alcohol could fix that, I still don’t know what that’s supposed to mean lmfao. We didn’t know where to head so we picked the castle and set off. This bits kind of vague in my head. We arrived at the castle and got captured, but somehow my friend had secret magic abilities she was using to help us escape. We were jumping through windows and stuff but we got separated and I thought I was going to be stuck inside seeing as my friend couldn’t help me anymore. I somehow magically leaped out the window and my friend was saying “see you have the magic too!” And I just kind of nodded along and agreed even though I had a feeling it was some sort of evil magic helping me, and it wasn’t really mine. At some point we found a pub and so we started drinking there but kept our heads low just in case. Raph was there and he came over chatting to me loads and being super nice and thoughtful. A while later, I was feeling really shit and #depressed as you do (not about Raph, just depressed because I have depression and that’s what happens sometimes lol fml) and I was looking across the room at him wishing he was my boyfriend and wishing he understood how badly my mood affects me. All I wanted was a hug without having to explain *why* I wanted a hug, and I just wanted someone to hold me I guess. (Super sad I know lmao) Anyway, I kind of ignored him for the whole night because idk I was mad that he wasn’t mine, and mad that he wouldn’t try harder and stuff. He came over at the end of the night and asked me if I was mad at him and he looked so upset, so I told him I wasn’t and told him not to worry. The next morning I woke up to see that I had loadsssss of snaps from him, in blue chat he was asking me if I wanted to go to some concert or festival with him and that he had managed to get a free extra ticket from work and would love if I was with him. He was being super forward and flirty and just so nice. In red snaps though it was all videos and pictures of me being SUPER FUCKING DRUNK the night before, which is stupid because I was thinking to myself “no way I got that drunk” and it was so embarrassing because I thought I had been pretty sober all night until I saw those lol. That’s all I can remember anyway, yeah RIP I guess fuck that