Finding computer

Date: 9/30/2017

By LegacyJM

I remember we were inside gta 5 or something with Lorelei and then we were like gta v is a fun game look and we were driving a car and then we fell off the freeway into the ground and the game looked glitches like the wheels were in the ground and then the objective was to find a computer. Someone told Lorelei maybe it was Adilene that the computer was by a women’s department or something like that and we drove over there. Then we were running along this sidewalk/ valley and it was just my dad, me, and isaacs girlfriend. My dad was the fastest one there and he would be doing parkour on the way to the computer. I would be the second fastest and I am helping out isaacs gf with some parts because she isn’t as good. I remember we jumped off a little fence and my dad was like help her out and I grabbed her from I forgot where maybe her foot and her shoulder (I might’ve grabbed her ass lol) and helped her to the floor. Then we were running again and when I saw my dad he was pretty far away and I was like wow he’s fast. Then instead of isaacs gf it was Jesus montano with us and my dad reached the bottom of the valley and then started going up again, in a different side. Jesus went through a gap in between some dark brown bars for a short cut and I followed him. Then we were inside a building and my dad was on his knees looking for the computer inside this one closet and I think he said something like “we haven’t found the computer yet” and I ran to another closet right next to him and said “or have we” and there was a computer on the floor turned on with the screen having a computer button and I pressed that button and then looked at my dad and asked him if it was that one. A phone started to buzz in his pocket and he smiled and he said yeah. Then as I looked back there was a LOT of other people who were competing as well and they were all sweating. I remember my tío luis was there and he said some shit that he always says and then I was walking back, happy, and threw my arms out like a “yes!” type of way. Then I went to a wall and put my back against the wall and slid down to my knees so that I was now sitting down on the floor. The room was like a little office btw. As I was doing that, I heard someone say that the prize was like $300 or something, and I was thinking “wtf that’s it?” And then I saw Mariano in front of me sitting down and he was wearing one of my dads work shirts, and I was wondering “hey my dad has that shirt too”.