
Date: 5/14/2019

By CrazyMind1211

I was tied up in a huge house and there was another person (I think a male) tied up next to me. There was like 6-7 inches off water on the ground. I got out of the bonds. I think a group of people cane to help the male out of the bonds. I moved on through the house there was groups of 2-3 people in each room of the house. I went into this room that had like 15 people of all sexes and ages in their. They were scared, upset that someone put us in this house, and now is making us go through each room to get out. The next room a guy (that supposedly acted like it was his house) was behind a 2-way mirror. He yelled out cap these bitches Charlie. Then a guy opens a door and shoots all the people except for me and some young girl about 7. I shooed the girl away, and opened some toolboxes in the room that had all these fucking knives and brass fingers and other fighting equipment in it. I grabbed a few knives (butterfly knife and some other flip open knife) a gun and some other things (can’t remember it’s fading) went into next room that was with a couch hid behind couch. Dude that killed the group of people walked by with a pit bull then he sat down in a chair facing the back of couch. The “owner” guy came up behind me and started to stab me. I was pleading for my life, then he started saying oh u gonna be a bitch and beg? Then he attempted to slash my throat from behind but his knife went across my finger. Then the little girl came up behind him and stuck him in the back with a knife I was handing her from around him. I ran to next room and it was a big pool, and he was in pool saying oh I was just joking you know I love u, come get in. Then It got kinda gross sexual on a raft he wanted me to pee on. Then I was started awake (after 3 hours asleep) and had to really go to the bathroom! Weird thing is I was listening to my Glenn Harrold sleep app on repeat. I tend to not have any bad dreams listening to it. Oh, and I suffer from PTSD and the owner dude was my ex husbands face.