i had a crush on my friends nonexistent bf

Date: 4/6/2020

By space_tubbs

my dream begins with me at school— i guess i have a crush on this dude who’s a senior. he was tall and had tan skin, he had that basic floppy eboy hair cut (we’ll call him A) but he looked like a pretty decent guy, and he was. i had science with him, this meant i casually talked to him while in class (surprisingly) no one knew i was crushing on him but i think i was pointing it out to my best friend, victor. like id casually be like “o yeah, maybe i do like someone idkk” but i didn’t really talk about it. but one day as im talking to A and my heart is doing fucking backflips, the bell rings for lunch and everyone starts leaving except him and i. he goes to talk to the teacher as i’m putting my books in my backpack. ana suddenly enters and goes and talks to me. i’m happy to see her as i usually walk to lunch with her everyday. we’re talking like everything is normal and then suddenly shes like “oh yeah this is my boyfriend btw” and points to A. i stood there like “ YOUR W H A T” i felt my soul CRUMBLE RIGHT THEN AND THERE BUT HEY I DIDNT FIGHT HER OR ANYTHING. i didn’t resent her because she didn’t know, i didn’t blame her for anything. so i went “aww how cute 🙈 i knew you’d find yourself someone good teehee” right after this weird conversation, i dash out the classroom leaving the couple behind as i ran toward the front doors of the school. when i make it outside i’m suddenly somewhere else, i’m with my family now and there’s a BEACH. we’re in this resort type of place and we’re all just chilling. i meet this cliche type of “beach boy” you only see in movies while here 😂 and he starts FLIRTING WITH ME. but i’m still moping about A and i straight up say to this dude “hey, i don’t like you. you deadass remind me of my cousin— stop flirting with me, it’s gross” before i could get a response i wake up confused as hell