Boring Family Reunion & The Leslie Look-alike Girl Flirts with Me

Date: 7/2/2018

By fluffytree

Dreamt I was at a family reunion type of gathering somewhere in the city. I saw some familiar faces that I usually only see at these types of things and I was glad there was no church event to be bothered with like usual. My great grandmother was there and alive again and we were sitting in the living room of someone's house. This little girl who looked about 13 or 14 kept staring at me and smiling. She looked alot like Leslie, a classmate from my childhood days and the first girl I ever kissed, but it couldn't be her could it? She should be my age which is 35, not still some kid. Unless that is her and she just looks crazy young. The girl kept smiling at me and then spoke saying, "You know what I want and you're gonna give it to me." I was confused but my first thought was, 'is she coming on to me? It's awfully strong and bold.' I felt guilty but I liked the attention and was flattered. But I also was afraid this was a child too. It looked so much like Leslie though that I just eventually assumed it must be her. Looking back now it could've been her daughter, but my mind didn't think of that at the time. She eventually left the room and waited for me inside a locker down the hall and I soon followed trying to look inconspicuous. I suddenly found we were in my great grandmother's house but the locker was still there. I opened it to see her standing there waiting for me to come in with her and embrace her, but something happened. I believe I got distracted and the environment changed back to the way it was. It was about time to go and my grandmother needed me to go find my great grandmother who had gone to the nearby church service with the rest of the family. I said I didn't wanna step foot into any church but looks like I was about to unfortunately. I made my way outside and across the street to this old looking church. But before I went in I noticed an ancient dirty white station wagon that looked like it was from the 60s sitting on the curb. I feel like I've seen it before in other dreams and it's always this same old black guy driving it. The doors are open and I can see inside and how filthy it is. And yet there was something familiar about the filthiness too. I suppose he gave rides to and from people's homes that attended the church. Anyway, I went inside and people were being dismissed since the service was over and I managed to find my great grandmother. I had to stick around for a bit as she finished chatting up with her friends and family as well as introduced me to people, but finally we could leave. I wished I could enjoy these types of things but I just never have. Reunions and most gatherings are just not my thing. I can't remember what happened once we left the church though. I think I woke up at that point.