Two School Car trip

Date: 1/9/2020

By Makayla.Skirvin

So the two schools u went to were both walking out of Walmart. Someone who doesn't like me at all said " Makayla, WHY" I have no idea why she said this but she did. We got in my moms car people tried to get in the back but my friends had already got back there, I wouldn't have allowed the people who were trying to get back there anyways. Then it seemed like we changed transportation and moved to a school bus. I was sitting with Cole and one of his friend. Cole was talking to someone behind us and his friend was messing with my shirt so I snapped off on him and said " COLE GET YOU FRIEND, STOP HARASSING MY SHIRT AND ME" Cole " Stop Messing with her blah blah" For some reason we were both singing that Song from High School Musical; The Musical;The Series. By Olivia Rodriguez. I just thought this was weird I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't go into lucidity for some reason.