Date: 7/13/2017
By carroyave
Flossing my teeth in a crowded bar and I don't seem to care and neither do they. I finish up and start to walk outside. I pass by really cute brunette girl and I'm pretty sure she starts following me. As I get further away from the bar, I see a weird pyramid stage in the middle of a field that a bunch of what I think is my old friends on it. They are lighting up a 12 ft bong that apparently used to be mine. I say, "light me up bitches, it's been years since I got to take a suck from her!" The person lighting says, "whaaaattttt do you meeeeaaaann dude? Hahaha" "Yea, it's been forever, when did we graduate?" I reply. "No way! You haven't hit it since high school?" One of the other kids say. "Shut up and let me hit." I get up in the stage and start inhaling but the bowl drops in the bong. "Fuck my life!" I look over to my left and at the edge of the field and see a couple more friends start to come up with a jump rope. "Ready?" I look down to my friend was helping light the beast of a bong. "All set captain" I put my mouth on the piece and begin to inhale. Smoke is coming out from all sides. I exhale some. I'm watching the others come closer and I see that my friend keesh is coming up from behind then. I take more hits until the whole stage is clouded with smoke. I tell myself, I'm going to try to ghost this last hit which is where you hold in the smoke in your lungs for so long that the smoke disappears. I take a last hit and try to hold it in. I jumped off the stage and started to run towards the girl with the jump rope and I can feel the smoke turn into chocolate pudding with sprinkles in my mouth. I hold it in. As I reach the girl , she starts hitting me with the jump rope while keesh is trying to take it from her. The whole Time while walking towards the stage again, she is laughing and playing around with me and keesh but I'm still holding my breathe. When we reach the stage, she slaps me and I fall to my knees in from if her. I act like I'm gagging and I spit up the chocolate pudding in front of her shoes. She begins to scream like bloody murder while I roll over and tel keesh it's chocolate pudding. Y