Nap dream - Someone from his past

Date: 3/26/2019

By xenomorph

* Before falling asleep, I felt energy swirling through my body in an almost euphoric manner. Vision while falling into sleep of floating from the ground.* I remember an old what seemed like lover of E's coming to visit and him being frightened of my reaction. When she walked in, at first I thought she looked ragged...used up. As she got physically closer to me, inside whatever dwelling we were in that looked more like a motel/hotel, I realized she was very much so E's type so to speak. Bright, bright, technicolor red hair with soft waves down a little past her shoulders. Sturdy features, I think green eyes. At first she ignored me as she seemed too busy conducting business with 2 associates. I remember her being dressed as a ring leader or that her clothes reminded me of them, except in a style of light burlesque. I continue to see her at a closer and closer distance, seemingly through glass panes. I spot E and hers first encounter through the last pane of dirty glass. I am peeking to witness what it goes like and am disappointed in how well they seem to know each other. She grabs him tightly in a long embrace, the ones you have while no ones watching. A small dog is jumping around them. I'm in a kitchen and E is standing next to me speaking with her. She is pretending that I don't exist, fiddling in cabinets with her back turned to me. As she turns to face my direction, I reach across a counter and abruptly extend my hand and offer my name. She pauses for the briefest second, then turns, simultaneously rolling her green??? eyes. No, brown. Tanner skin. Still red hair. Ariel red. I look at E and asked him if he saw that and he tells me that I'm imagining things. We then head to some outdoor gathering where I meet Sir patrick Stewart through her event she is holding. E becomes increasingly upset. She's bossy and terrifying to me. She strikes not jealously, but fear. I still struggle with recalling her name. Was it Sally? It starts with an S. E is upset because he wants to talk to her about a teacher they shared that may or may not have abused them both. He's frantic. I treat him poorly and tell him not to dig up her past for her and he starts to cry. *I was woken up by E from this nap and felt very strange in staring into his eyes. He almost seemed upset with me and I'm pretty sure he referred to my by a different name (Jody), but who knows.*