Date: 11/29/2024
By wahblamy
These dream had a few parts but only three that I remember distinctly. The first one was about my brother and the dinosaurs. The second one was about princess Diana and the picnic. The third one was about going to my car and being bothered by some guy. There was a fourth one about being at a dance in a community centre! In the first part I was driving in a car with my brother, we drove past a house that has a model mammoth in the yard, and then another mammoth! As we drove past this person's property I could see there was a course carved out of dry land leading to dozens of model dinosaurs that were painted and in different positions. I was enthralled! I thought they looked so good and wanted to visit them. Luc told me that the creator of these masterpieces wasn't ready to show his work yet and I got the impression that he wanted it to be perfect before he opened up his park, and I thought that was a waste. Back at Luc's house, he's proud for how he has planned to celebrate my birthday. He has a lovely gift and card set up for me and I think we're going to BBQ or something. At one point Janelle needs a place to stay and I say sure but I kind of wish it was just me and my brother after she gets there. I find her flirting with him and I think he is also exasperated with the effort of this. I regretted my choice and she also held us back from doing things we wanted to do. We were going to go swimming but she was on her period...etc. There were really dark lines on the bottom of her chin as well. At one point we are on the deck of Luc's house (which is in the back country, open spaces, dusty and far from everything) and I point out that there are so many wands. And around his barn and in his truck I can see Wands just chillin in the windows. The next part is, I am at a picnic and I am kind of the princess but also kind of observing her. They are starting to pack up - I wonder if she wasn't the princess at first but a woman in the 1960s with her family. They are packing up the picnic and there is an uneaten pie, some snacked on chicken and dishes and supplies. The woman wonders if she should put the pie in the freezer. As they get home everyone starts to ignore her as she puts away the picnic things. The house is small and English but luxurious and pristinely kept. She is in the laundry room to put away the basket and there is laundry everywhere and now she is princess Diana but she is also me observing her. I pick up one of her skirts and it's playful and fun. I go through skirt by skirt and see that she cannot wear these anymore because she is a royal and I start to cry at the loss of personality and authenticity. I wonder if it is worth it. The next scene we are in a community centre of some kind and there is a daycare in the back and dance happening on the main floor. We are dancing and having a great time. Lauren is there and says something out loud to everyone that is very gross, unnecessary and revealing of character. Then I am connecting with a guy and I'm wondering what we could be and then I imagine us having sex and it starts off incredible and then just peters out and is a flop and in my *dream imagination* I'll never be good enough for him so I decide not to pursue him. Very crazy and stupid. The next scene we are going to a thrift store of some kind and Cat and Robin are there. Robin is extremely high fashion and is being treated well by the staff as they find her items and make her try them on. They get her a pair of green sunglasses and I get a pair of pink ones at the same time...hard to remember all of this. There is one last scene where I go to my car and I'm getting something (I think it's Vive's car actually) and this man comes up to me and is kind of hitting on me and I think of all the implications of actually going for it with him. Feeling an overall sense of shifting relationship styles in this dream - the evolution of hetero relationships and whether or not it's worth it or has ever been worth it. The end.