Date: 7/5/2019
By reneeday
The dream began with my mother driving me and my two sisters around in her car. She seemed to be very, very lost. As we wandered, she was being sent notifications on where to go. She became more and more frustrated as the directions led us in circles. Finally, she pulled into the driveway of a huge mansion that had no fewer than five fountains in the front lawn alone. Needless to say, I was extremely confused. Nevertheless my mother seemed confident that we were at the correct place, and we ventured inside. Surprisingly, there wasn't anybody around. This didn't deter mom, as she decided to make herself at home. She snuck off to have a grandiose bubble bath in one of the master bathrooms and was promptly never seen again for the duration of the dream. My youngest sister suggested that we go find some food to eat. But me, a moron, thought it would be a better idea if we just sat down on the floor and waited for several hours. And my sister, a gigantic pushover, agreed. (My older-but-still-younger-than-me sister did not comment on the situation.) After a period of time attempting to be absolutely useless human beings, the three of us heard keys in the door. This was a positively horrendous job on continuity, as I do not remember locking the door after entering. We awoke from our semi-stupor and watched as the door opened. For some reason, I knew that he was supposed to be my uncle, but my out-of-character dream brain could only recognize him as Markiplier. He came in and gave us large bear hugs, then sat down on the *floor with us and gave us a few bags. Gifts, actually. Like relatives are apt to do. *Hold on a moment. Can I just say, we could've gone anywhere or found some furniture or just walked around- but no. He decided, like the bratty gremlins before him, to sit on the floor. For some reason... I do not think that was out of character. Inside the presents were t-shirts with different memes on them. I will not disclose what they were to protect my dignity. But, I will take solace in that my shirt had the most relevant meme out of the three. After we thanked him for the gifts Mark suggested that we go help him pick up a friend from the airport. We agreed. Here is the only point in the entire dream that reality was stretched beyond... well, reality. Bare with me, please. I have listed the following events in a bullet point pattern for both ease and simplicity. •We walked outside. •He got in his car. •We did not get in, despite agreeing to go. •He stepped out of his car. •Sudden location change. We now stand BACK INSIDE THE HOUSE. •A knock on the door. •Mark opens it, and standing there is large crowd of people. Large equals about thirty, in this case. •He lets them in. Now, I don't quite remember all of their faces. Some of them were fuzzy or hidden strategically behind other heads, you know how dreams are. But of the thirty I can safely identify about five: •Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie) •Beezlemitch Candysnatch (hot) •Anna Kendrick (hot) •Keanu Reeves (breathtaking) •Sean McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye) I did not get to interact with any people on this list, except Sean. He seemed to know me and gave me a high five while everyone dispersed into the rest of the house. Then, Mark took me and my sisters into the backyard, and started pushing us on a tire swing. It was genuinely sweet and cute, and his interactions with my sisters were adorable. Seeing him push my littlest sister in the swing is a lovely little visual I think I might fight to remember for a long time. ~Dream End~