ouijia board/cadet camp

Date: 7/27/2019

By rubymay

i do this thing irl called cadets with my school. it’s pretty much like basic military training but it’s not super hard and it’s reaally fun. so in this dream we get to cadet camp. it’s pretty normal. we’re unpacking the busses when we hear some bad news. something dangerous is happening. in places like that it’s not too uncommon, most of our cadet camps are help on shooting grounds, or military bases. anyway i can’t remember exactly what the horrible thing was, but it got everyone super panicked. we all ran to the busses but the teachers said we weren’t gonna leave. we just had to quickly unpack and get down to where our campsites were. so i go to one side of the bus with my friend and one of the seniors. i see a guy called solomon (the senior). he’s the senior cuo in cadets so he’s very high up in the ranks. at the time i was a corporal so not that high at all. anyway he starts being super nice to me, chatting to me and helping me get my stuff outta the bus. once all our kit is down, some of us stay behind. this group consisted of me, solomon, and a friend of mine called poppy. there’s this kinda thing on cadet camps that the higher ranks will usually hang out more than with the lower ranks like recruits and cadets, mainly because higher ranks consist of older students. anyway poppy says, “hey guys, i have a ouijia board, wanna play quickly?”, and solomon and i were really excited so we were like heck yeah. so we get it out and sit down in the back of the open bus where the bagging compartment is. we’re asking it shit like are there ghosts here, to which we got no response. then a cadet comes to us. she looked very young, and obviously it was her first camp. she asked us if she could borrow the board for her and her friends to play with. we said no, because poppy didn’t want it getting ruined. the cadet leaves. then solomon laughs and asks the board “is that girl’s mum going to die”, poppy and i were very suprised and i laughed, but also kinda told him off for asking such a dark question. that’s when the planchette moved to yes without anyone touching it. at the same time, a gust of wind blew and we were all quick to blame that. we were about to back up and go, when the planchette moved again, this time, to no. but the written word “no” was gone. and in its place were the words “her mum’s definitely dead.” we started freaking out. like screaming and shit. we quickly packed up the board and put it back in the bus and left. later on, i was at an activity with poppy. we hadn’t told anyone what had happened. then she took out the board and asked if i wanted to play again. i very loudly said “no! i don’t want that thing anywhere near me”. however she took it out, and i was gonna leave when she said “oh my god.. look!” the board looked normal, except for the “no” sign. where it should say “no” it had, written in the same font “now?”. i looked at it, terrified, thinking oh god, it wants to play again. then the “now?” changes to “now.” and it sucked me into the board. then i woke up. what can i say, that sure was a strange series of events.